Welcome to my private blog!
My name is Holger K. von Jouanne-Diedrich (a.k.a. vonjd) and I am a Full Professor for Information Management and Customer Relationship Management and founding member of the Competence Centre for Artificial Intelligence at the Technical University Aschaffenburg in Bavaria, Germany. Since July 2022 I am a fellow for the topic Artificial Intelligence at the Swiss-based think tank Zukunft-Fabrik.2050. I hold a Ph.D. from the Institute of Information Systems at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and studied Business Administration (MBA) at the University of Hamburg. I held various management positions at Lufthansa, Deutsche Bahn, Siemens, and Atos.
I am also an experienced Senior Management Consultant and Multi-Project Manager for different industries: if you need qualified support for your AI journey, especially for crafting an AI strategy, setting up and management of AI projects, building an AI organization, and planning/conducting AI coaching and training please get in touch with me (see below).
I am interested in all kinds of things but all have to do with understanding stuff and learning new stuff. Topics include data science, machine learning, quantitative finance but also science and maths in general and philosophy, especially epistemology and philosophy of religion. Additionally, other things that interest me are softer topics like management, psychology, and history.
You can find my research papers here: Google Scholar profile
R has been my favorite programming environment for many years and I am also the author of the “OneR Machine Learning package” (on CRAN):
- Quick Start: One Rule (OneR) Machine Learning Classification in under One Minute
- Vignette: OneR – Establishing a New Baseline for Machine Learning Classification Models
- Video: Quick Start Guide for the OneR package
- Posts on this blog: Category: OneR
I have a YouTube channel (mostly in German at the moment):
- YouTube: Follow me, I am a professor – please consider subscribing!
Popular science lectures from my university (in German):
- On “Quantitative Finance”: Reich durch Mathe – Was machen “Quants” an der Börse?
- On “Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (Deep Learning)”: Künstliche Intelligenz – sind Computer bald schlauer als wir?
You can also find me here:
- LinkedIn: https://de.linkedin.com/in/vonjd
- Twitter: vonjd @ephorie
- Quant SE: http://quant.stackexchange.com/users/12/vonjd
If you want to write an email, please use: blog <at> ephorie <dot> de.
Feel free to reach out – I am looking forward to getting in touch with you!
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