After my little rant (which went viral!) about the tidyverse from last week, we are going to do a little fun project in the 50’th 🙂 post of this blog: ASCII Art! If you want to have some fun by painting with letters (i.e. ASCII characters) in R and get to see a direct comparison of tidyverse and base R code, read on!
Continue reading “Painting Santa with Letters”
Month: December 2019
Why I don’t use the Tidyverse
There seems to be some revolution going on in the R sphere… people seem to be jumping at what is commonly known as the tidyverse, a collection of packages developed and maintained by the Chief Scientist of RStudio, Hadley Wickham.
In this post, I explain what the tidyverse is and why I resist using it, so read on!
Continue reading “Why I don’t use the Tidyverse”
Create realistic-looking Islands with R
Modern movies use a lot of mathematics for their computer animations and CGI effects, one of them is what is known under the name fractals.
In this post, we will use this technique to create islands with coastlines that look extraordinarily realistic. If you want to do that yourself read on!
Continue reading “Create realistic-looking Islands with R”