COVID-19 vaccine “95% effective”: It doesn’t mean what you think it means!

COVID-19 has the world more than ever in its grip – but there is hope: several vaccines have been developed which promise to deliver “95% efficacy”.

When people read this many assume that it means that 95% of vaccinated persons will be protected from infection – but that is not true. Even many (science) journalists get it wrong! If you want to understand what it really means, read on!
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OneR in Medical Research: Finding Leading Symptoms, Main Predictors and Cut-Off Points

We already had a lot of examples that make use of the OneR package (install free from CRAN), which can be found in the respective Category: OneR.

Here we will give you some concrete examples from the area of research on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) to show that the package is especially well suited in the field of medical research, so read on!
Continue reading “OneR in Medical Research: Finding Leading Symptoms, Main Predictors and Cut-Off Points”

Logistic Regression as the Smallest Possible Neural Network

We already covered Neural Networks and Logistic Regression in this blog.

If you want to gain an even deeper understanding of the fascinating connection between those two popular machine learning techniques read on!
Continue reading “Logistic Regression as the Smallest Possible Neural Network”