The workhorse of Machine Learning is Gradient Descent. If you want to understand how and why it works and, along the way, want to learn how to plot and animate 3D-functions in R read on!
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Category: Learning R
Posts about learning R
Learning R: Christmas Coding Challenge
In this year’s end post I will give you a little programming challenge!
Everybody knows the Christmas song “The Twelve Days of Christmas”! Your task is to write an R script that creates the lyrics!
Continue reading “Learning R: Christmas Coding Challenge”
Logistic Regression as the Smallest Possible Neural Network
We already covered Neural Networks and Logistic Regression in this blog.
If you want to gain an even deeper understanding of the fascinating connection between those two popular machine learning techniques read on!
Continue reading “Logistic Regression as the Smallest Possible Neural Network”
xkcd Comics as a Minimal Example for Calling APIs, Downloading Files and Displaying PNG Images with R
xkcd webcomics is one of the institutions of the internet, especially for the nerd community. If you want to learn how to fetch JSON data from a REST API, download a file from the internet and display a PNG file in a ultra-simple example, read on!
Continue reading “xkcd Comics as a Minimal Example for Calling APIs, Downloading Files and Displaying PNG Images with R”
Create Bart Simpson Blackboard Memes with R
Everybody knows the Simpsons, everybody loves the Simpsons and everybody can laugh about Bart Simpson writing funny lines on the blackboard! If you want to create your own Bart Simpson Blackboard Meme Generator with R read on!
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The Central Limit Theorem (CLT): From Perfect Symmetry to the Normal Distribution
How can the Normal Distribution arise out of a completely symmetric set-up? The so-called Central Limit Theorem (CLT) is a fascinating example that demonstrates such behaviour. If you want to get some intuition on what lies at the core of many statistical tests, read on!
Continue reading “The Central Limit Theorem (CLT): From Perfect Symmetry to the Normal Distribution”
“You Are Here”: Understanding How GPS Works
Last week, I showed you a method of how to find the fastest path from A to B: Finding the Shortest Path with Dijkstra’s Algorithm. To make use of that, we need a method to determine our position at any point in time.
For that matter, many devices use the so-called Global Positioning System (GPS). If you want to understand how it works and do some simple calculations in R, read on!
Continue reading ““You Are Here”: Understanding How GPS Works”
3.84, or How to Detect BS (Fast)
In From Coin Tosses to p-Hacking: Make Statistics Significant Again! I explained the general principles behind statistical testing, here I will give you a simple method that you could use for quick calculations to check whether something fishy is going on (i.e. a fast statistical BS detector), so read on!
Continue reading “3.84, or How to Detect BS (Fast)”
Network Analysis: Who is the Most Important Influencer?
Networks are everywhere: traffic infrastructure and the internet come to mind, but networks are also in nature: food chains, protein-interaction networks, genetic interaction networks and of course neural networks which are being modelled by Artificial Neural Networks.
In this post, we will create a small network (also called graph mathematically) and ask some question about which is the “most important” node (also called vertex, pl. vertices). If you want to understand important concepts of network centrality and how to calculate those in R, read on!
Continue reading “Network Analysis: Who is the Most Important Influencer?”
Time Series Analysis: Forecasting Sales Data with Autoregressive (AR) Models
Forecasting the future has always been one of man’s biggest desires and many approaches have been tried over the centuries. In this post we will look at a simple statistical method for time series analysis, called AR for Autoregressive Model. We will use this method to predict future sales data and will rebuild it to get a deeper understanding of how this method works, so read on!
Continue reading “Time Series Analysis: Forecasting Sales Data with Autoregressive (AR) Models”